By Ryan Ponto - January 31, 2024
Categories: Carpet Cleaning

Acting quickly can help minimize the damage when you spill red wine on your carpet. Here are steps you can take until a professional like The Spot Specialist can address the issue:

  1. Blot the Stain:
    • Grab a clean, white cloth or paper towel.
    • Gently blot the stain, starting from the outer edges and moving towards the center.
    • Avoid rubbing, as it can spread the stain.
  2. Don’t Scrub:
    • Scrubbing can damage the carpet fibers and make the stain worse. Stick to blotting.
  3. Use Club Soda:
    • Pour a small amount of club soda onto the stain. The carbonation can help lift the wine from the carpet fibers.
    • Blot again with a clean cloth.
  4. White Vinegar and Dish Soap:
    • Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar with one tablespoon of dish soap in two cups of warm water.
    • Dab the mixture onto the stain with a sponge or cloth.
    • Blot with a clean, dry cloth.
  5. Hydrogen Peroxide:
    • Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water.
    • Test in an inconspicuous area first to ensure it won’t bleach your carpet.
    • Dab the mixture onto the stain and let it sit for a few minutes.
    • Blot with a clean cloth.

Remember, these are temporary solutions. For a more thorough and professional cleaning, it’s advisable to seek the services of a professional carpet cleaner like The Spot Specialist as soon as possible. If the spill is extensive or persistent, it’s always best to consult with a professional rather than relying solely on DIY methods.


Red Wine ring on white carpet.
Red Wine ring on carpet